Sunday Morning Worship

Service starts at 11:00am.

We have a simple form of worship where our main focus is on the Word of God. Our praise and worship time is a mix of hymns and contemporary worship songs. The sermon focuses on Law and Gospel, letting the Law reveal our need, and proclaiming the hope and promise that we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet that need.

Children are welcome to sit with their parents during the service, but there is nursery for ages 0-3 yrs. We also have children's church during the sermon for children ages 4-7 yrs.

All are welcome to join us for our Sunday morning worship service, and we hope to see you there!


Sunday School

Sunday School starts at 10:00am.

We have Sunday School classes for all ages. We hope that you are able to join us! Bring your kids, we have something for them, and if you don't have kids, come join our adults as we study the Word together on Sunday morning.